Welcome to Ryder Total Revamp
At Ryder Total Revamp, we specialize in pressure washing and carpet cleaning services using only eco-friendly chemicals. Our mission is to provide top-quality services while being environmentally conscious.

Pressure Washing
Revitalize your outdoor spaces with our eco-friendly pressure washing service. Safe, effective, and environmentally conscious.

Carpet Cleaning
Refresh your carpets with our green carpet cleaning service. Say goodbye to stains and odors the eco-friendly way.

Sanding & Sealing
Make your interlock driveway stand the test of time! At our company, we provide professional interlock sanding and sealing services designed to enhance the durability and appearance of your driveway.

Asphalt Sealing
We provide high-quality asphalt sealing and crack repair services to help extend the life of your driveway and keep it looking its best. Our team applies a thick coat of premium asphalt sealer to ensure long-lasting protection and durability
Frequently Asked Questions
“I was amazed by the results of Ryder Total Revamp's pressure washing service. My driveway looks brand new! Highly recommend their eco-friendly approach.”
Contact us
Contact us for all your pressure washing and carpet cleaning needs using eco-friendly chemicals!
Ryder Total Revamp
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
About us
Ryder Total Revamp is a locally owned and operated business in Dundas, Ontario, Canada. We are dedicated to providing high-quality pressure washing and carpet cleaning services using eco-friendly chemicals to protect both your space and the environment. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional results with a focus on sustainability.
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